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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Funny way to put your baby to sleep

Hi readers..

You know what..Recently, when I try to put Afif to sleep, I noticed his weird or quite funny habit - menggentel label baju sehingga tertidur. Taadaaaa!!! sungguh weird (ke aku sorang je rasa camtu?).

Yerp, sambil minum susu (yeah, of course mata pun dah layu time tu), but still his tangan will capai and gentel the label baju kat leher tu or if ada baju yang ada label kat depan, itu turut digentel. Hmm..mommy pun agak pelik disitu.

-clothing label-
Source: Google

Mula-mula tu tak berapa nak heran sangat. Tapi bile dah selalu, memang menjadi tanda tanya gak la. Even, he will do that weird thing as a sign 'mommy, I want milk' - well, at least he has his own way to tell me that..haha - sungguh out of the box..

Hmm..is it normal? What say you?

Pembaca Dilema (tetibe)

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