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Thursday 15 March 2012

Travelling during early pregnancy, is it safe? - Part1

Hi mommies,

I didn't know I was actually pregnant up until my 8th weeks.  I felt so bad out things I was doing.  My work (salahkan kerja pulak) requires me to be on the move, travelling here and there and not to forget to say that 'Mr. Dateline' is my 'best friend', inseparable - like a rope tied around my neck. This, makes me restless and I don't really have time to think about having babies. Because I didn't think anything of it (to get pregnant), so I carried on like normal.

Until one day, suddenly I baru noticed that my period dah lewat 2 bulan camtu. I told my hubby about it and he ask me to not worry. Maybe your hormone tak balance katanya. Giler?!! mana boleh tak risau, 2 bulan kot. Oh, did I told u that 3 - 4 months back kitorang dah book flight ticket to Beijing (promo free seat kot!!) and I already confirmed my flight ticket to Jakarta for departmental conference. Yerp, sungguh galak berjalan ye kawan-kawan.

So, on the next day, we went to pharmacy to buy the pregnancy test kit - yang akhirnya terkepam di dalam kotak tak berusik selama seminggu - Hamaigad, do I have to pee-pee on that stick? that is so not cool ok (banyak alasan), tamau - freaking out sudah (I takde la pee-pee direct on that stick ok, mestila I dip into container kheennn, haish!!) I only decided to proof that I'm a normal woman a day before I flew to Jakarta - and the results....jeng..jeng..jeng..

2 red lines -1 line is lighter than the other one - hmmm..tak kot (sedapkan hati nak fly esok)

My hubby dah super-excited tengok the results & said 'yes'..'yes'..'yes' - Me? still in denial - Kiasu betul - Dalam kepala dah terbayang macam-macam - He kiss me on my forehead & cheeks and started to risau sebab esok aku sudah mau fly.

My journey & stay - Jakarta:

tak lalu makan - ok, that's weird because I'm a good eater.

Queue selama 2 jam di Imigresen Jakarta

Shopping like hell - bought that purple kebaya for post pregnancy ;p -

Berjimba nonton movik di bioskop berhampiran - 3D lagi

Meronggeng di Hard Rock bersama 'duta Enjoy Jakarta' -heh-

Now, u tell me..do I look like pregger?
After I got back to my lovely country (baru nak appreciate negara sendiri), me & hubby FINALLY decided to went for ultra sound scan. Nervous giler ok!! What If I got pregnant?? alamak, mesti tak vogue (read as 'vo-ge' haha), dah tak boleh travel, baju bagaikan kelambu - hamaigad, kene telan pil yang besar2 saiznye..on top of the chart mesti la makan tak boleh main rembat jek..huhu..
After 20 minutes in Doc Amar's room, I got this in my hand..

-Little peanut in my womb-

Sudah 8 weeks kata Doc.
Our first child - Melt - Love - Happy - Contented -
Luckily, my little peanut kuat - Alhamdulillah-

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