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Sunday 18 March 2012

Travelling during early pregnancy, is it safe? – Part2

Hi readers =)

When I and hubby found out I was pregnant, we were so happy.  My hubby just couldn't resist telling everyone about it.  He right away started to make phone calls to our families even though I asked him to wait. I don't think I'm ready to tell people at that time, even my own family. I'm not prepared!! (macam la aku pregnant sebelum nikah..haiya ini olang).

I can remember, few days after we got the news.  I was like..Ok, I’m pregnant, so what’s next?  Should I tell my family? - Checked -, Colleagues? - Erkk - and comes the hardest part. Should I tell my boss about the big news? When? How? What if my boss does not allow me doing Branches audit anymore?  - Means no travelling – There goes my 2nd income; travelling allowance – I think waiting is the best option - Until I'm totally prepared (I will share my story about 'breaking the news'  in my next..next..next..post, Ok? Promise!!)

So, I carried on like normal and decided to tell my colleagues and boss until my baby bump visible. Muahaha. One day, my boss call me – Ok, at that time, the only thing that I can image is my boss said, "Eda, do you have anything you want to tell me?" – Luckily, she not ask me that. Hewhew.

Boss: Eda, I want you, XXX and YYY go to Kota Kinabalu (KK) Branches. You may start on Monday, next week.  Your travelling day will be on Sunday. The task will be covering 4 Branches in 2 weeks time.  Is it ok for you?

The Demon Mommy: - Gulp!-..Err..Ok boss, no problem at all ($$$$). I’ll prepare the travelling form & book the flight tickets.

I know..I know..I have the opportunity to tell her about my pregnancy and choose not to go. But, I opt not to tell her or ask her to replace me – The kiasu-ness in me - Many people travel whilst pregnant. Even I did once before. Ait? Hehe.

So, I choose not to worry about it. Since I have no big issues such as nausea and fatigue – based on Jakarta experience - long distances journey should not stop me from living my life as normal as I can in the meantime.

Pray - Baby..please be good to mommy ok..

Well, I'm not going to tell you about my work - Boring -
These are our activities during weekend:

Yummeeh..at Philippine Market, Sabah

Look at that slimy green 'I dunno what the hell it is'

Brooches and Pearls - not that obsessed - heee..

Kinabalu Park?? Hamaigad..I can't believe this..2nd time here..

Up to the trail?? Please be patience with me ;p

Mommy-to-be & nice view, what a perfect match..uwwekk..

Oh my..10 weeks little peanut and mommy in a speedboat, going to Manukan Island

Fish fresh from the 'oven'. Hewhew..

Guessing game: Hint - You can't see my face in this pic ;p

Waiting for the speedboat - back to Jesselton Point jetty - 2nd time here..

Thank you little peanut. We survived.

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