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Friday 20 April 2012

Travelling during early pregnancy, is it safe? – Part3

Hi folks,

Wondering where was this picture taken?

Let's play lil' guessing game.

Helpful hint:  The largest island in Thailand - The Pearl of  The Andaman.
Still don't have any idea? Shame on you - It's Phuket, people!! Hehe..

I'm about 20 weeks pregnant when we decided to fly to Phuket for our second honeymoon. Yes, please remove the word 'early' in the title above because it's no longer valid. Hohoho. I'm officially beyond my first trimester at that time. Let's celebrate the accomplishment with..err..

Some caffeine won't kill me ait? Heh..

Ok, back to business. By what you've read so far, seems like it should be fine to travel. 9 months is a long time to be expected not to travel, ait?.  However, it is important to discuss your trip plans with your doctor (Honestly, I'm not doing this during my pregnancy - tau nasihat jek). Your doctor will need to know your travel plans especially if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, placental abnormalities, spotting or are carrying twins. These can all contribute to risk of harm when travelling and your doctor may have to insist you cancel or postpone your plans.

So, for normal pregnancy cases (like me..hehe) don't let your pregnancy keeps you from travelling and living life. Here are some travelling tips for mommy-to-be:
  • Bring your snacks - Get stuck in traffic or at the airport? Mommy & 'growing peanut' suddenly hungry? You may need it. Also can help ease common discomforts of pregnancy like morning sickness and feeling faint.

I heart you chips
Source: Google

  •  Take stretch breaks - Try to move around at least every one hour is a must.  This will help prevent soreness and stiffness as well as blood clots.

Stretching like nobody's business
Source: Not my cat 

  •  Be prepared - Carry a copy of your current prenatal record and your insurance card with you. Don't forget to bring your medication too. While you don't anticipate problems, it's always a possibility.


Source: Google

  •  Stay hydrated - Pregnant women need a lot of fluids. Traveling makes it very easy to become dehydrated. Be sure that you always carry a water bottle (complimentary mineral water will do..hehe) with you. Remember that thirst is not always a great sign of if your body needs fluids.

Source: Google

  •  Dress for the trip - Be sure to dress appropriately for the trip. When flying in an airplane or riding in a car, you don't always control the temperature. Wearing layers will give you more ease in staying cool or warm as you need to be during the trip.

Mommy walking around @ Jungceylon Mall, Phuket

  •    Enjoy your trip!! 

    Sightseeing - James Bond Island

    Island Hopping & Snorkeling

    Result: Papa-to-be 'suffered' nausea. Mommy? Heh..not affected at all.


    Food is a must - tried their Tom Yam.

    Lotsa..lotsa..Tom Yam

    Not to be missed - Massage -


    So, mommies - Don't worry - Buckle up and be safe. See ya!!

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