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Friday 8 June 2012

Afif's Big Day!!

Hi readers,

Becoming a parent is likely to be the most exciting moment you will ever experience. For a first-time mom like me, the experience of having a baby is indescribable. My life has completely changed. Every moment is filled with thoughts about my baby. He's definitely taken over everything.

I believe most first-time mom want to be the "Perfect Mom". I must confessed that I'm too excited for my baby Aqiqah & Cukur Jambul ceremony (we performed the Aqiqah when he was about 4 months old - March 2011). The moment I've been waiting for is only a few months away!  There is so much planning, arrangement and preparation need to be done before Afif's "big day". 

I painstakingly took the time to prepare for the ceremony - from decoration to the food.  Me and dear hubby decided to do it simple yet meaningful. Our theme is combination of purple and baby blue :). We invited close friends, neighbors and relatives to join us in the ceremony at my parents' house (Tg. Malim) and recited doa selamat and tahlil.

Oh! by the way, for non-muslim readers understanding, Aqiqah, in Islamic terminology, is defined as sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of a child's birth. The animals to be slaughtered must be a goats, cows or camels. Two sheep are to be sacrificed for a boy and one for a girl. They must be free from any form of handicap such as being blind, sick, limp or undernourished. The animals must be slaughtered in the appropriate humane ways. After the sacrifice, the greater part of the meat should be distributed among the poor and needy. It may also be served to the guests. Purpose in performing Aqiqah are to announce the birth of the baby and another purpose is to invite family members, neighbors, and friends to celebrate the blessed occasion.

If you are currently preparing for your newborn baby Aqiqah, then here are some humble favor ideas for you:

1. Invitation Card

Money, money, money! Budgeting and saving for the future - DIY Invitation Card ;)

Front Cover: Picture taken by me

2. Food & Beverages

Catering - my mom's friend (dapat la discount sikit, save la jugak duit mommy ;). Owh, along with the canopy too.


3.  The Marhaban Group

A group of lovely ladies plays very beautiful music with great vocal. We were all amazed by the way they perform and delivering the stories from the Quran. Not to forget, special door gift for them. Thank you makcik-makcik semua, siap pakai baju warna tema. You raawwkss!! (eda, sila bersopan please)

Makcik-makcik purple

4. Cradle and Decoration

After 2 months of searching and making price comparison. Finally, I found this lovely cradle from http://tisyalittlecottage.blogspot.com (Kak Fatimah). Further negotiation and arrangement made with her via e-mail and phone calls, we are definitely sold!! Since I refused to pay for transportation charges ;), we decided to meet at Bukit Beruntung Toll Plaza which is located in the middle of two places - KL (The vendor) and Tg. Malim (Atuk's place). We were given an unassemble baby cradle and all the decorations.   She showed us how to assemble and decorate those things in 5 minutes. Pheww!! Don't worry, mommy has super power to turn out "crack" to a "cradle". Tadaaa..

 Mommy's "Midas touch"

Backdrop deco and small stage - Normah: 0122598523

Baby - Not for sale ;)

It was very simple & sweet with some roses & bird-cage hanging look like a mini fantasy garden.

More lovely cradle design here  https://www.facebook.com/fatimahshaari.creation

The tray with the containers for coconut and pandan leaves with rose-water for the ceremony (Self-made).

Afif's pictures frame with stand - Own idea

5. Door Gift for Guests

Cupcakes are so in!! Request Kak Ella to make chocolate cupcakes with combination of purple and baby blue butter cream icing.  I asked her to add in cute style - fondant baby figurine, diaper pin, stroller and baby footprints to decorate the cupcakes. Tell you what. I'm totally satisfied!

- Goodie bags, organza favor bags (to fill in candies and chocolates) and bunga telur (bought at handicraft shop).
- Candies and chocolate (bought at convenience store).
- Small cute handkerchief tied with ribbons (sisa-sisa door gift wedding aku dulu. Cis!! ada lagi yang tak habis rupanya). 

Afif cried throughout  marhaban recital and the cutting hair ceremony. Look at him. Isy..isy..Makciks (plural??) are not cutting your head la sayang oi. Why are you crying like nobody business ni?

Panic!! Panic!!

Why me??!! Why me??!! Chop daddy's head laa..


Nenek laugh instead of pujuk

Phew..Finally, smiling :)

 So, the next day, we performed the shaving of Afif's hair. This is how he looks.

 Shaolin Soccer Legacy ;)

All in all it was a perfect ceremony. Alhamdulillah. Credit to Fitrie (photographer) and opah Afif for the Baju Melayu.

I hope this simple ideas help you to prepare for your ceremony. May it be as lovely as your sweet bundle of joy.


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