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Monday 4 June 2012

What is it like to stay in the Hospital?


No matter how healthy your life style may be, there may come a time in your life when you or your loved one will need to be admitted to the hospital. Recently, our little Afif admitted in the hospital due to prolonged cough and cold. Oh, not to forget, "Mr. Stubborn Fever" also came into the picture.

It was a planned admission actually. This protective mommy is willing to see her little precious check into the hospital even she already know it's not going to be a "big vacation" as long as she is relieved that her "big baby's" health problems are being dealt with. Well, at least you'll get breakfast in bed..and lunch..and dinner..and get sole charge of the TV remote. I suppose that counts ;p.

The Chronologies:

20/4 (Fri)

7 a.m: Woke Afif up to change his diaper and send him to nursery - Mommy goes to work.

6.30 p.m: Fetch Afif from nursery and being told by his teacher that she noticed Afif's whole body was hot and feverish. I started to worry and immediately text my husband to tell him about it. Almost blaming his school.

8.00 p.m: Husband got back from work - We headed to clinic nearby our house - Doctor said non stop coughing and runny nose causes his throat to membengkak and that is why Afif is feverish - Back home, I have to monitor his temperature. In order to bring down the fever, I remove all his clothing that can prevent the heat to escape from his body. The only thing left on Afif's body is his diaper and cool fever patch on his forehead :) - Put cold cloth (soaked in a water) on certain part of his body like underarm, groin and neck (do not put the cloth for too long at a time). This should be soothing for him too sleep.

21/4 & 22/4 (Sat & Sun)

Luckily, it's weekend. Monitor Afif's temperature this morning. We have forehead thermometer in our house which designed only to be used on the forehead and has been adjusted to reflect the core body temperature. It is accurate, fast and easy to use, non-evasive method for monitoring temperature trends. Still got mild fever, cough and cold.

Afif seems to have less of an appetite. From my readings, even this happens, your baby actually need more fluids than normal. Dehydration is very danger when your baby has a fever. So, I try to offer him smaller feeds more often since the last thing he wanted to do is eat :( . Susu macam biasa, I'm happy with that. Pheww.

23/4 (Mon)

I'm on leave (EL) today (have to text my boss to inform him although I know that he will never reply ;) - Feverish remains - Still coughing and runny nose. Continue monitoring his temperature and put cold cloth until he fall asleep. Due to our busy schedule, we just went to the clinic again, but at the same time planning to seek for Pediatrician (specialist) advice as soon as possible to request for admission to the hospital depending on Afif's health condition.

24/4 (Tue)

Took his temperature this morning and guess what? The stubborn fever is gone and Afif seems happy and babbling to me like he wanted to say "Ibu, I want to go to school" - Oh, how bad my imagination is - So, I decided to go to work. No need to go to our Paed - degil - With heavy heart, passed him to his teacher and ask her to feed Afif his medication as described.

25/4 (Wed)

Afif's night sleep disturbed by non-stop coughing. He keeps on whining and crying - mommy already got panda's eyes. So, I decided to tell my bos that I'm on leave - again. Taking care of my little precious. Family comes first.

Pity him. Put his clothes on.

26/4 (Thu)

7 a.m - Afif seems ok this morning. So, I send him to nursery. Entertained by his non-stop babbling along the way to nursery.

10 a.m - Call his teacher to ask about Afif's condition. Teacher told me that Afif body is hot and started feverish. He refused to drink his milk. Panic button turned on. As I have to finalized my report today, I ask my husband to bring Afif to our Paed - Dato' Doctor Azizi (Medical Director at KPJ Damansara Specialist) http://www.dsh.kpjhealth.com.my/ and request for admission. I will go there after finished up my work. Nasib baik tinggal sikit je lagi. Boleh balik awal.

12 p.m - Husband on his way back home - Ask for Referral Letter from clinic - Insurance arrangement - Off to nursery to fetch Afif.

2 p.m - Received video call from husband telling that they are waiting for their turn to see Dr. Azizi.

3 p.m - I'm done with my work and went for Zuhur prayers - Received text from husband telling that Afif will be admitted. Now, he is going through blood test procedure - Me, go back home in rush and packing for Afif's clothing and feeding. That night, we stayed at the hospital. Knowing what to expect before you get there can make things a little easier.

27/4 (Fri)

6 a.m - Mommy and Afif being awakened by nurse to get his vital check (temperature), medicine and nebulizer (This procedure will be repeated every 6 hours). Afif fall asleep with the nebulizer machine on. Husband getting ready to go to work. After that, he will be going to Ipoh. The worst part is, he will not accompany us until Sunday. Me and Afif alone.

7.30 a.m - Being awakened for check by Doctor. She said, Afif will probably discharged tomorrow. No fever. Yay!!

8 a.m - Jalan-jalan keluar bilik sebab Afif boring.

28/4 (Sat)
Doctor said that we have to stay in the hospital due to respiration problem still has not subsided. Feverish again :(

29/4 (Sun)

11 a.m - Doctor came to check Afif a little bit late this morning. Alhamdulillah, Afif will be discharge today. Took quite some time to settle insurance arrangement due to non-working day.

1 p.m - Afif fall asleep. He did not get enough sleep since admitted. Pity him and me too si mata gorilla.

2 p.m - Still waiting for insurance and discharge arrangement. Have to pay RM60+ for admission charges. WTF??!! ingatkan cover dah. Nasib kad kredit ade.

3.30 p.m - Off to our home. Home sweet home.

So, that was our first experience of a hospital stay.

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